Sharing what helps us recieve His provision; assessing devotion and motive by allowing God to search our hearts, learning the roll probablity plays in wisdom, learning lessons from each consequence, realizing OUR faith and obedience is OUR responsibility. There are levels in salvation: renewal, relationship, rest, and community. For us, success is to persistently seek His face and progress is a process that we must walk with Jesus. He sets us apart through His Holy Spirit and Divine Word.
Sunday, November 26, 2023
Hello, Hagar
Sharing my futuristic faith for the sake of our Lord, Jesus Christ. He has never given up on me. He never quit fighting for me: I mean this quite literally! He continues to prove His purpose lives in me, sharing His unconditional love in the very moments that I realize and verbalize it is the very thing that I am craving; the thing which my void inside has been thirsting for. My mission? To bring glory to His name, by sharing how He still is delivering me, dropping much-needed reality checks and convictions through revelations to us guilty of lusting after this- not so-new age. I feel obligated to mention this, to those who can understand it; conversion from the occult is far from a cake walk and switching sides is costly. Each person will have their own experience and their unique way of expressing it -- because God's ways are not our ways. That is okay. We're here to say that God loves you. He never gave up on you.